Smart healthcare is the integration of high technology-such as artificial intelligence (AI), big data, Internet of Things (IoT), cloud, and Nano technology-with medical healthcare. Such integration can provide customized healthcare services without time and space limitations [1]. It is encouraging to look at a series of smart healthcare related studies-such as Dakurah et al. [2], Lee et al. [3], Kang et al. [4], and Myung et al. [5]-published in the International Neurourology Journal (INJ), a rising journal in the medical science field, dealing with such technology. In order to become a leader in this field, we believe that it is essential to address smart healthcare, and by adding our views on such technology, we wish to join this discussion. The upcoming fourth industrial revolution will have an extensive and comprehensive impact, complexly affecting all areas of medicine. However, in reality, the direction of the development and utilization of technology in each area is not yet clear. There is still continuous development, therefore, planning and realization for the future must be done through human imagi