The new focus of cryptographic research is on encryption schemes that can withstand cyber-attacks, with the arrival of cloud computing. The widely used public key encryption system designed by Taher El Gamal based on the discrete logarithm problem has been used in many sectors such as internet security, E-voting systems, and other applications for a long time. However, considering the potential data security threats in cloud computing, cryptologists are developing new and more robust cryptographic algorithms. To this end, a new robust homomorphic encryption scheme based on Paillier, Residue Number system (RNS), and El Gamal (PRE), is proposed in this paper., which is expected to be highly effective and resistant to cyber-attacks. The proposed scheme is composed a three-layer encryption and a three-layer decryption processes thereby, making it robust. It employs an existing RNS moduli set {2n + 1, 2n, 2n − 1, 2n−1} − 1}, having passed it through the Paillier encryption process for forward conversion and then the El Gamal cryptosystem to encrpyt any data. The decryption process is a reversal of these processes starting from the El Gamal through a reverse conversion with the same moduli set using the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT). The simulation results shows that the proposed scheme outperforms similar existing schemes in terms of robustness and therefore, making it more secured which however, trades off with the time of execution in similar comparison.