The exploitation of natural resources is associated with many natural hazards. Currently, the copper ore deposits exploited in Polish mines are located at a depth of about 1200 m below the surface. The primary temperature of the rocks in the exploited areas reaches 48 ∘C, which constitutes a major source of heat flux to the mine air. However, another important source of heat is the machine plant, which mainly consists of machines powered by diesel engines. Following the results of in situ measurements, boundary conditions for a simulation were determined and a geometric model of the cabin was created. Furthermore, an average human model was created, whose radiative heat transfer was included in the analysis. Three cases were studied: the first covering the current state of thermal conditions, based on the measurement results, and two cases of forecast conditions. In the second case, the temperature of the conditioned air was determined, and in the third, the flow velocity required to ensure thermal comfort was found. The results of the simulation indicated that for the microclimatic conditions established based on the measurements (ambient air temperature in the excavation 35.0 ∘C, air-conditioned airflow 2.4 × 10−2 m3/s, and temperature 10.0 ∘C), the temperature of the air inside the air-conditioned operator’s cabin would be 20.4 ∘C. Based on the personal mean vote (PMV) index, it was concluded that the thermal sensation would range from neutral to slightly cool, which confirmed the legitimacy of the actions taken to reduce the adverse impact of the microclimatic conditions on workers in the workplace. However, for the case of predicted conditions of enhanced heat flux from strata and machinery, resulting in an average ambient temperature increased to 38.0 ∘C, it would be necessary to lower the temperature of air from the air conditioner to 8.00 ∘C or increase the flow rate to 3.14 × 10−2 m3/s to maintain thermal comfort at the same level of PMV index.