Tofu is one of the foodstuffs favored by the people of Indonesia, this is why there are many tofu industries in Indonesia. The tofu industry is a fast growing industry in Indonesia. There are about 75 tofu industries in Malang city, where most of the tofu industry is in the form of home industry. Wastewater from the tofu industry is produced from the washing, boiling, pressing and molding processes of tofu, so the quantity of waste water produced is quite high. Tofu liquid waste contains very high pollutants or organic pollutants which can cause environmental pollution because it contains organic substances that cause rapid microbial growth in the waters. Considering the high potential for water pollution due to the tofu-making industrial liquid waste, a strategy is needed to control water pollution by treating the tofu industrial liquid waste before discharging it to the environment. One way is by means of phytoremediation. Phytoremediation is a method of removing pollutants using plants. Aquatic plants that are often used include water hyacinth, Kangkungan (Ipomoea crassicaulis), umbrella papyrus, and water bamboo. Phytoremediation techniques are widely applied in several countries, such as Asia, America, and Europe. Kangkungan (Ipomoea crassicaulis) is a type of plant that is easy to breed. This is one of the considerations for using kangkungan (Ipomoea crassicaulis) in phytoremediation. In addition, many types of waste can be processed by kangkungan (Ipomoea crassicaulis). The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of using kangkungan (Ipomoea crassicaulis) in reducing levels of tofu waste. The results of the study showed that tofu liquid waste treatment using the phytoremediation method using kangkungan (Ipomea cracicaulis) was proven to reduce BOD levels in tofu liquid waste.