This article presents the results of wheat grains germination using the hydroponic method with the use of various waters rich in nutrients, including the water from the river, the water from a fish tank, and the water from a well. During the germination, the average seeds germination rate reached 98 %. On the 3rd day after the germination, the length of sprouts significantly increased by 3.3 – 35.2 %, compared to the reference value. On the fifth day, the germination rate increased by 9.2 – 35.0 %, compared to the reference. At the end of the germination, the number of roots was approximately the same in all samples, but the length was significantly greater in the third and fourth test samples by 64.1 – 84.1 %, and the second sample was 2.2 times higher than the reference sample. The studies were performed in the framework of the Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for State Support of Young Russian Scientists MD-1886.2019.11.