At room temperature the proton magnetic resonance spectrum of u,u-dichloro-2,4,6-tribromotoluene is ABX where the methine proton in the sidechain is X and is lying in the plane of the aromatic ring. At higher temperatures the ring proton spectrum, AB, broadens and eventually collapses to yield an AZX spectrum. From an analysis of the ring proton line shapes the barrier to rotation of the dichloromethyl group about the spZ-sp3 c a r b o n~a r b o n bond is obtained; AG* = 17.5 + 0.1 kcal/mole at 304 OK, AH* = 15.67 + 0.08 kcal/mole, AS* = -7 e.u., E , = 16.38 + 0.08 kcal/mole, log A = 11.78 k 0.23 where the least squares errors given should probably be multiplied by a factor of from 3 to 5 to take possible systematic errors into account. The barrier is about 2 kcal/mole higher than in u,u,2,4,6-pentachlorotoluene. The barrier to rotation arises from the conformation in which chlorine and bromine atoms are eclipsed.Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 48, 2839 (1970)
IntroductionThe previous paper (1) in this series presented a detailed description of a proton magnetic resonance (p.m.r.) study of hindered rotation of the dichloromethyl group in cr,cr,2,4,6-pentachlorotoluene (PCT). A computer program based on a density matrix treatment of intramolecular proton exchange was developed and applied in the extraction of preexchange lifetimes from the temperature dependent ring proton spectrum of PCT. The present paper gives the results of a similar application to the ring proton spectrum of cr,cr-dichloro-2,4,6-tribromotoluene (DCTBT).