The purpose of this research is to develop a local economy based on superior commodities, so as to produce a processed product of chayote commodity in Bontomatene District, Selayar Islands Regency, South Sulawesi Province. To achieve the research objectives, four stages of analysis were carried out, namely first, determining the criteria in determining the derivative products of citrus commodities using the delphi analysis method. Second, determining the processed products of citrus commodities using the exponential comparison method. Third, determine the development factors of processed products of citrus commodities based on the concept of local economic development using the Content Analysis method. Then the last is to formulate the development of processed products of citrus commodities in Bontomatene District through the Local Economic Development (LED) approach using the triangulation analysis method. The development of processed citrus commodity products based on the LED concept is to conduct training, coaching to supervision and partnerships with the private-community, create groups from a collection of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) actors as a form of forum media, increase the role of the private sector through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with various forms of assistance, and use technology that is friendly/easy to use.