e artificial neural network and support vector machine were used to estimate the compressive strength and flexural strength of carbon fiber-reinforced lightweight concrete with the silica fume exposed to the high temperature. Cement was replaced with three percentages of silica fumes (0%, 10%, and 20%). e carbon fibers were used in four different proportions (0, 2, 4, and 8 kg/m 3 ). e specimens of each concrete mixture were heated at 20°C, 400°C, 600°C, and 800°C. After this process, the specimens were subjected to the strength tests. e amount of cement, the amount of silica fumes, the amount of carbon fiber, the amount of aggregates, and temperature were selected as the input variables for the prediction models. e compressive and flexural strengths of the lightweight concrete were determined as the output variables. e model results were compared with the experimental results. e best results were achieved from the artificial neural network model. e accuracy of the artificial neural network model was found at 99.02% and 96.80%.