A. Ya. Krasovskii and I. V. OrynyakUDC 539.3Analytical and numerical methods have been developed for the solution of stress-strain and limit state problems of piping systems (in the case of the presence of flaws in them as well). The fracture strength of pipe steels during long-term service has been studied. A methodology and a software have been developed for the assessment of stress-strain state to extend the life of active pipelines. The developments made are used to increase the reliability of Ukrainian piping systems.Introduction. Piping systems are widely used in various industries (main pipeline transport, thermal and nuclear power stations, chemical industry, metallurgy, etc). Such objects had been mainly built in the times of the former USSR on the basis of the existing technological policy. At the present time, ensuring of the serviceability of piping systems has gained strategic importance to Ukraine, especially considering the fact that the requirements for environmental protection and reduction of service risks have become much more stringent. For instance, the territory of Ukraine is traversed by gas mains (> 35,000 km), oil pipelines (> 8000 km) and an ammonia pipeline (> 1000 km), which have worked 25-40 years and in some cases 50 years and more. A similar situation exists in other industries that use piping systems. Therefore, the service safety, reliability and risk assessment of piping systems is topical both in terms of economy and in terms of ecology. The solution of the problems of improving methods for the strength analysis of new piping systems, extending the life of active piping systems and assessing the service risk of ageing piping systems is the main purpose of the work. In spite of many years of world research in this direction, many scientific questions remain unstudied. The constituents of this work are as follows.Development of analytical and numerical methods for the solution of stress-strain and limiting state problems of piping systems (in the case of the presence of flaws in them as well).Study of the fracture strength of pipe steels during long-term service. Development of a methodology and a software for the assessment of stress-strain state to extend the life of active pipelines.Use of the developments made to increase the reliability of Ukrainian piping systems. This article reviews the main works published by the authors in the past five years, which consider questions associated with the above-mentioned directions of research. The results obtained allow a considerable contribution to be made both to the development of the scientific fundamentals of the strength of pipelines and to the solution of specific problems of their service.In accordance with the above-mentioned four constituents of the work, below are set out the main results. Analytical and Numerical Methods. Severe service conditions of pipelines, which cannot be taken into account in their design, on the one hand and the development of computer engineering and formalized mathematical and software computing fac...