The relevance of the study is due to the fact that at the current stage there are developments in the field of classification and determination of the composition of criteria for the effectiveness of legal norms, which are characterized by a rather fragmentary nature, which indicates the need for their comprehensive systematization.
The purpose of the paper is to systematize the main criteria for the effectiveness of legal norms in legal doctrine.
The paper examines the position of scientific approaches, which made it possible to establish the main features, according to which the characteristics of the key criteria for the effectiveness of legal norms are categorized and given.
It was established that their composition includes, in particular: the criterion of frequency of use (determined by the level of practical force (or the level of appeals) to certain legal norms); criterion of reasonableness (based on the emphasis on the fact that legal norms are achieved due to a high level of argumentation of their content); the criterion of guaranteeing the accuracy of law enforcement practice (related to the assessment of the predominance of the clear application of legal norms or individual-authority prescriptions); the criterion of the accuracy of the legal definition (related to the observance of consistency, logical connections, combined with a number of other legal prescriptions); criterion of stability (maintaining stability of legislative positions, as a guarantee of the possibility of using unchanged legal methods, forms of relationship regulation); target criterion (related to the reference point for determining the effectiveness of legal norms in view of the level of achievement of goals established by legislation); cost criteria for the implementation of legal norms (compliance with the level of personnel, material and time costs within reasonable limits, which would not outweigh the effect of the implementation of legal norms); motivational criterion (the level of motivation of law enforcement by subjects endowed with certain powers in relation to the implementation of legal norms); the criterion of the possibility of implementing legal norms (the existence of actual possibilities regarding their application); value criteria (indicators of the level of access of a person (citizen) to the entire set of rights and freedoms, general social benefits, guarantees of protection of interests).