Pond ash is a mixture of mostly coarser fly ash and bottom ash. The recycling rate of pond ash is low because pond ash is mixed with seawater and deposited in ponds. The pond ash is also subjected to natural weathering over a period of time. In this study, we investigated whether pond ash can be used as a raw material of geopolymers, without any purification process or through a minimal purification process. In addition, we investigated whether synthetic basalt made by adding foaming agent to geopolymer or casting it into a mold can show the surface of the natural basalt as it is. The highest 7-day compressive strength in geopolymers from pond ash without purification process was 26 MPa. The highest 7-day compressive strength in geopolymers from pond ash with impurities removed through dry sieve analysis was found to improve to 80 MPa. On the other hand, synthetic basalt made with geopolymer was shown to be more advantageous aesthetically when produced by casting it in a silicone mold rather than by adding a foaming agent. Non-purified pond ash can be made into geopolymers having low strength. Pond ash purified by sieving can, without use of an aggregate, be made into geopolymer having high-strength. Also, it is possible to produce synthetic basalt with the same appearance as natural basalt and sufficient strength for commercialization. This process will contribute to the mass consumption and recycling of pond ash.