Let Ω ⊆ R d be open and ℓ ∈ N0 ∪ {∞}. Given a locally convex topological vector space F , endow C ℓ (Ω, F ) with the compact-open C ℓtopology. For ℓ < ∞, we describe a sequence (Sn) n∈N of continuous linear operators Sn :Moreover, we study the existence of continuous linear right inverses for restriction maps C ℓ (R d , F ) → C ℓ (R, F ), γ → γ|R for subsets R ⊆ R d with dense interior. As an application, we construct continuous linear right inverses for restriction operators between spaces of sections in vector bundles in many situations, and smooth local right inverses for restriction operators between manifolds of mappings. We also obtain smoothing results for sections in fibre bundles.12 As functions f with domain C ℓ (R, F ) are a frequent topic in infinite-dimensional calculus, we now denote the elements of C ℓ (R, F ) by γ (rather than f ).13 Let P := lim ←−C n (R, F ) ⊆ n∈N 0 C n (R, F ) be the standard projective limit. One readily verifies that the linear map φ : C ∞ (R, F ) → P , γ → (γ) n∈N 0 is bijective, continuous, and that φ −1 is continuous.