Derivative price sensitivities, or greeks, play an important role in the practice of risk management to quantify the potential effects of the changes of underlying market parameters on the values of derivatives. However, how to calculate them efficiently is a challenging problem for computational finance.
An obvious approach is to simulate replications of the model at perturbed parameters and then to use finite difference to form estimators. While this method has its own merits depending on the circumstances, it usually yields estimators with often unacceptably high variances, unless major computational efforts are made in terms of long calculation times. To obtain estimators with lower variance, traditional methods either differentiate the payoff functions of derivatives or differentiate the probability density of the underlying price. The former approach fails when the payoff functions are discontinuous while the latter meets difficulty if the explicit form of the density is not available.
The integration‐by‐parts method overcomes both shortcomings of the traditional methods. It shifts the differential operator from the payoffs to the underlying diffusions in order to remove the smoothness requirement on the payoff functions. This method can be traced back to the Malliavin calculus in the field of stochastic analysis.