“…<mdiv> <score> <score key.sig="2s" meter.count ="2" meter.unit="4"> <staffGrp> <staffDef clef.shape="G" clef.line="2" n="1" lines="5" /> </staffGrp> </score> <section> <measure> <staff n="1"> <layer n="1"> <rest dur="16" /> <beam> <note dur="16" oct="4" pname="f" /> <note dur="16" oct="4" pname="g" /> <note dur="16" oct="4" pname="a" /> </beam> <beam> <note dur="8" oct="4" pname="d" /> <note dur="8" oct="5" pname="d" tie="i" /> </beam> c clef-G2, keySignature-DM, timeSignature-2/4, rest-sixteenth, note-F#4_sixteenth, note-G4_sixteenth, note-A4_sixteenth, note-D4_eighth, note-D5_eighth, tie, barline, note-D5_eighth, note-C#5_sixteenth, note-B4_sixteenth, note-C#5_sixteenth, note-D5_sixteenth, note-E5_eighth, tie, barline, note-E5_sixteenth, note-A4_sixteenth, note-B4_sixteenth, note-C#5_sixteenth d clef.G-L2, accidental.sharp-L5, accidental.sharp-S3, digit.2-L4, digit.4-L2, rest.sixteenth-L3, note.beamedRight2-S1, note.beamedBoth2-L2, note.beamedLeft2-S2, note.beamedRight1-S0, note.beamedLeft1-L4, slur.start-L4, barline-L1, slur.end-L4, note.beamedRight1-L4, note.beamedBoth2-S3, note.beamedLeft2-L3, note.beamedRight2-S3, note.beamedBoth2-L4, note.beamedLeft1-S4, slur.start-S4, barline-L1, slur.end-S4, note.beamedRight2-S4, note.beamedBoth2-S2, note.beamedBoth2-L3, note.beamedLeft2-S3 Currently, the biggest database of musical incipits available is RISM [5]. Created in 1952, the main aim of this organization is to catalog the location of musical sources.…”