. Can. J . Chem. 54, 813 (1976). Dicoumarol derivatives, substituted at the bridgehead, show a double restricted rotation. This hindered rotation is manifest through the appearance of two signals, the hydroxyl protons being diastereotopic at low temperatures.In this work we assign the two respective signals by the nuclear Overhauser effect. The highfield signal corresponds to a hydroxyl site close to the bridgehead tertiary proton, while the other corresponds to a site in proximity to the substituent R. The case of structurally analogous dimethones has been investigated by the same technique with identical conclusions. This disproves the interpretation made previously on the basis of steric and anisotropic effects.The interatomic distances concerned have been calculated, and these have yielded an estimate of deformations induced by the bridgehead substituents.Evidence is supplied for the different behavior of the two sites and this study gives evidence for a very facile intermolecular chemical exchange of the hydroxyl site close to the tertiary bridgehead proton in the presence of traces of protonated compounds.The overall behavior is the result of the asymmetry of the molecules of this series in their chelated form.CLAUDE LARUELLE ET JEAN-JACQUES GODFROID. Can. J. Chem. 54, 813 (1976).Les derives du dicoumarol, substitues au niveau du pont presentent une double rotation restreinte qui se manifeste par I'apparition de deux signaux, les protons hydroxyles etant diastereotropiques a basse temperature.La presente publication permet d'attribuer, par effet Overhauser nucleaire, les deux signaux aux groupes hydroxyles incrimines. Le signal a haut champ correspond au site hydroxyle proche du proton tertiaire du pont, alors que I'autre correspond au site proche du substituant R. D'autre part, le cas des dimethones, analogues structuraux, a ete etudie par la meme technique et ies conclusions sont identiques, ce qui annule l'interpretation inverse qui a ete faite anterieurement a partir d'interpretations steriques et anisotropiques. Les distances interatomiques concernees ont ete calculCeset les deformations induites par les substituants du pont estimees.Le comportement differencie des deux sites est mis en evidence et I'etude conclut a un echange chimique intermoleculaire tres facile du site hydroxyle proche du proton tertiaire du pont avec des traces d e composes protones.L'ensemble des proprietes mises en evidence est la consequence de I'asymetrie des molecules de cette serie dans leur forme chelatee.