Abstract. Vertical profiles of temperature, humidity and wind up to a height of 1500 m a.g.l. (above ground level) were measured with the automatically operating small unmanned research aircraft M 2 AV (Meteorological Mini Aerial Vehicle) during the LITFASS-2009 (LIndenbergTo-Falkenberg: Aircraft, Scintillometer and large-eddy Simulation) experiment. The campaign took place in July 2009 over the heterogeneous landscape around the Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg -Richard-Aßmann-Observatory in the eastern part of Germany. Due to a high vertical resolution of about 10 cm the M 2 AV data show details of the turbulent structure of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). One profile took about 10-15 min allowing for a continuous monitoring of certain phases of ABL development by successive ascents and descents during one flight (50-60 min duration). Two case studies of measurements performed during the morning and evening ABL transition periods are discussed in detail. Comparison of the aircraftbased temperature, humidity and wind profiles with tower, sodar/RASS, wind profiler/RASS, radiosoundings and microwave radiometer profiler measurements show good agreement taking into account the different sampling strategies of these measurement systems.