This paper proposes a cyber-physical approach to enhance the prediction accuracy of electricity consumption of solid electric thermal storage (SETS) system, which integrates a physical model and a data-based cyber model. In the cyber-physical model, the prediction error of the physical model is used as an input of the cyber model to further calibrate the prediction error. Firstly, customers' behavior characteristics are extracted by the integration of K-means and one-versus-one support vector machine. Secondly, based on the behavior characteristics and ambient temperature, the physical model is developed to predict daily electricity consumption. Finally, the error levels of physical model are classified, together with the temperature and prediction values of the physical model, are selected as the inputs of the cyber model using the back propagation (BP) neural network to calibrate the results of the physical model. The effectiveness of the proposed cyber-physical model (CPM) is verified by a 1 MW SETS system. The simulation results show that, compared with the physical model (PM) and cyber model (CM), the maximum relative errors (MRE) with the CPM are reduced to 25.4% and 4.8%, respectively.Energies 2019, 12, 4744 2 of 18 forced-air electric furnaces is built to predict the thermal energy storage, which is an early application of SETS [5]. This work does not take into account the effect of continuously changing the ambient temperature on thermal energy storage. A PM is integrated into the TRNSYS calculation tool to evaluate the optimal thermal energy storage of forced-air electric furnaces with changing ambient temperature [6]. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the basis of the existing methods, and enhance the prediction accuracy. However, the customers' behavior characteristics of SETS are not considered in the above-mentioned PMs, which is very important to improve the accuracy of prediction.In [7], a sparse continuous conditional random fields method was proposed to predict electric load with the identification of behavior. The data from advanced metering infrastructure is used to understand the power consumption patterns to improve the load forecasting accuracy in [8].The prediction accuracy would be significantly enhanced with the consideration of behavior. However, the working mode of SETS are completely different from those of conventional electric loads [9]. SETS is charged by the off-peak electricity, and its thermal energy is released all-day. During the off-peak hours, usually from 21:00 to 6:00, the heating elements quickly heat the dense bricks to a high temperature owning to its cheaper electricity prices. During the peak period from 6:00 to 21:00, the heating elements are switched off, and SETS continues to release its thermal energy to warm the rooms. Many behavior characteristics of SETS directly affect the heat load demand, such as all-day continuous work (e.g., convenience store), and holiday and non-holiday period (e.g., star hotel), which need to be considered. The conventional models o...