The geological modeling of stratiform deposits can become very complex, often making use of geological envelopes of small thickness and requiring the use of subblocks (based on Cartesian coordinates) to produce a coherent block model. However, geological events after the formation of the deposit (folds, faults, etc.) can change the direction of spatial continuity of certain attributes, with the mixing of samples belonging to different formation eras (in the case of stratiform deposits) in the same elevation. This study presents a solution for deposits with stratigraphic grades combined with samples of different origins. The solution is a two-dimensional estimate obtained by accumulating the thicknesses of P 2 O 5 in a phosphate deposit (as compared to traditional statistical analysis in three dimensions).Keywords: accumulation, ordinary kriging, phosphate. (dobras, falhas, etc.)
A modelagem geológica de depósitos estratiformes pode-se tornar muito complexa, muitas vezes fazendo uso de envelopes geológicos de pequena espessura e exigindo o uso de sub-blocos (com base em coordenadas cartesianas) para produzir um modelo de blocos coerente. No entanto, eventos geológicos após a formação do depósito