We provide a closed-form solution for the European and Asian option pricing models when the source of randomness is a fractional Brownian motion as opposed to the geometric Brownian motion. In addition to the source of randomness, transaction costs are considered to be non-negligible. For the case of the European option, proportional transaction costs hide in the volatility and do not change the form of the model. The construction of the solution is based on the symmetries of the model. The model for Asian options has an additional parameter that makes the volatility time-dependent, which complicates the solution process. However, we are still able to obtain solutions using Lie symmetry methods.
Citation: Nteumagn BF, Pindza E, Mare E (2017) Symmetry Analysis of Options Pricing with Transactions Costs Driven by Fractional BrownianNoises. J Appl Computat Math 6: 356. doi: 10.4172/2168-9679.1000356 Page 2 of 8Volume 6 of the option pricing equation relies heavily on the random process followed by the underlying stock price. In the case of the celebrated Black-Scholes equation, one assumes that the stock follows the classical geometric Brownian motion [5,24]. This process assumes independent increments, which makes it different from the fractional Brownian motion (fBm) where there is a serial correlation in the increments. This correlation allows for predictability in the model. The similarity between the two processes is the fact that they are both geometric.It has been shown [8] that random changes can be accurately measured by the use of a parameter known as the Hurst parameter. The construction of a dam on the Nile river in the early 1950s saw the birth of the Hurst exponent. The measure of the water levels of increase or decrease was known to follow a random walk. In other words, the next level of increase or decrease is independent of the previous one. However, Edwin Hurst, hydrologist in the Nile dam project, showed that the long term memory of the system indicates an autocorrelation of the time series of water levels, and the rate at which these decrease as the lag between pairs of values increase [8]. The movement of stock price is similar to this model. We therefore exploit the results by Leland [11] for the derivation of our model. Earlier in 2014, we achieved an accurate numerical solution of our model with exponential convergence ([19]) by applying spectral methods to analyze the problem. In this paper, we use Lie symmetries to determine the exact solution, which sets us a step closer to the calibration of our model.We first give some preliminaries on Lie symmetries of differential equations in Section 2. Secondly, we determine the symmetries of the European and Asian option pricing models and obtain their analytical solutions in Section 3. In Section 4 we apply the Lie symmetry technique to reduce the PDEs and provide solutions. Finally, we provide concluding remarks in Section 5.
Lie Symmetries and Equivalence TransformationsOur aim in this section is to provide a brief introduction to ...