RED is a non-Indigenous researcher/data manager with a wide range of international experience including Indigenous data management with the Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic, membership on the Arctic Data Committee, and leadership roles in both ESIP and the Research Data Alliance. MO is a non-Indigenous scientific data manager and researcher from Southern California. She works with the US Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) and US Marine Biodiversity Observation (MBON) Networks, and the Repository of the Environmental Data Initiative. EA has no tribal affiliation. She is a data management and metadata librarian with extensive experience working with scientific data repositories and researchers in the U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service, her employer during the bulk of this project. MH is a member of the Whakatōhea Nation in Aotearoa New Zealand. He is a co-author of the CARE Principles and member of Te Mana Raraunga Māori Data Sovereignty Network and the Global Indigenous Data Alliance. RRD has no tribal affiliation, studies and manages development, evaluation, sustainability, use, and impact of data repositories, and co-authored the TRUST Principles for Digital Repositories. SRC is Ahtna, a citizen of the Native Village of Kluti-Kaah in Alaska, USA, and of Sicilian descent. She directs the Collaboratory for Indigenous Data Governance, is a co-author of the CARE Principles, and leads the US Indigenous Data Sovereignty Network and the Global Indigenous Data Alliance. LV has no tribal membership and is of Latinx, including Kichwa, Taíno, and African, and Western European descent. She is a researcher and educator living on Haudenosaunee land, serving on the Advisory Committee of the Environmental Data and Governance Initiative. RT is a Chamoru (Indigenous peoples of the Mariana Islands) woman with ties to the island of Guåhan/Guam. She is also of mixed European descent and lives in San Diego on Kumeyaay lands. She is a postdoctoral scholar at the Native Nations Institute, where her work focuses on building tools and guidance to implement the CARE Principles in data repositories. DDC is multicultural Indigenous Caribbean (Arawak Taíno), carrying Indigenous Boricua, African, Spanish and East European ancestry. She currently directs the Indigenous Land & Data Stewards Lab on homelands of the Arapaho, Cheyenne, and Ute Nations in the Colorado Front Range. AM is a citizen of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community. He is also Yaqui and Diegueno/lipay with family from the Mesa Grande Band of Mission Indians in San Diego County, California. He serves as the Research Coordinator with the Collaboratory for Indigenous Data Governance. NBH is a citizen of the Navajo Nation with Navajo, Choctaw and mixed European ancestry. She is a cancer health disparities researcher and the lead for the Native and Indigenous cancer health task force within the Center for Advancing Cancer Health Equity at the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center. LLJ is a citizen of the Pascua Yaqui Tri...