According to domestic and foreign authors, the incidence of chronic sinusitis has increased more than 2 times over the past 10 years, and the specific weight of patients hospitalized in ENT -inpatients increases annually by 1.5-2% and has no tendency to decrease. Such information, apparently, is due not to the true ratio of sinusitis of various etiologies, but to the peculiarity of the examination of patients with this pathology in dental and otorhinolaryngological hospitals.The peak of admissions of patients with odontogenic sinusitis to the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of Poltava Regional Clinical Hospital occurred in 2019 -272 (16.7%) cases of sinusitis, the lowest rate of hospitalization was recorded in 2008 -195 (about 11.9%). The most common diagnosis was: "Exacerbation of chronic odontogenic sinusitis" -817 (50.2%) cases, which is consistent with the literature data. Patients with the diagnosis: "Acute odontogenic sinusitis" accounted for the minimum rate -2.4% of cases. Recurrence of sinusitis was observed on average in 2017-2023 in 5.2% of cases. In 19.3% of cases, there was a discrepancy between the diagnosis of the referring institution and the clinical diagnosis. In 2.6% of cases, the clinical diagnosis did not correspond to the described clinical data. 59.2% of patients were referred from dental polyclinics and offices; 15.7% of patients were referred by related specialists (ENT, neurologist); 14.7% went to the hospital themselves; in 10% of cases, data on the sending institution were missing.The problem of prevention, diagnosis (including differential) and treatment of odontogenic sinusitis is an urgent task of dentistry.Among the causes of the development of the disease, a significant part is pathological processes, the development of which was facilitated by inadequate medical tactics for the treatment of chronic inflammatory processes in the area of molars of the upper jaw. The use of traditional methods of radical surgical treatment is often accompanied by chronicity of the process.