ABSTRACT.Competition for food could be a major force driving changes in the community structure of skates (Rajidae) subjected to fishing exploitation. Under this hypothesis, small skates are released from competition with larger skates after fishing has depleted the larger species. Here, we compare the abundance patterns of two sympatric skates with similar niches but different life histories, Bathyraja albomaculata (larger and slow-reproducing) and Bathyraja macloviana (smaller and faster-reproducing), before (1971, 1978) and after (1998)(1999)(2000)(2001)(2002)(2003)(2004) a 108% increase in industrial bottom trawling on the southeastern South American shelf in order to test the prediction that B. macloviana should competitively exclude B. albomaculata after the increase in fishing mortality. In 1971 and 1978, there was no relationship between the abundance of both species, indicating that they coexisted over large scales. In 1998scales. In -2004, the relationship between the abundances of these skates was bell-shaped, indicating that both species increased in abundance at low densities until peaking, after which B. albomaculata decreased when B. macloviana became more abundant, consistent with resource competition. We tested whether food may be a potential limiting resource by comparing the diet of both species. The two species consumed mostly polychaetes, differing only in the consumption of polychaetes from the family Nephthyidae, which was much higher for B. macloviana. Bathyraja macloviana could replace B. albomaculata at high densities when food resources may become scarce. These results support the hypothesis that competition release is an important factor explaining the changes in skate communities in overexploited areas. Keywords: Bathyraja albomaculata, Bathyraja macloviana, Rajidae, diet overlap, resource competition, elasmobranch fisheries, Argentina.De la coexistencia a la exclusión competitiva: ¿Puede la sobrepesca cambiar el resultado de la competencia en rayas (Chondrichthyes, Rajidae)?RESUMEN. La competencia por el alimento podría ser una fuerza importante detrás de los cambios en la estructura de las comunidades de rayas (Rajidae) bajo explotación pesquera. Según esta hipótesis, las rayas pequeñas son liberadas de la competencia por las rayas de mayor tamaño, al disminuir la abundancia de éstas últimas por la pesca. En este trabajo, se comparan los patrones de abundancia de dos rayas simpátricas con nichos similares pero con diferentes historias de vida, Bathyraja albomaculata (mayor y de reproducción lenta) y Bathyraja macloviana (más pequeña y de reproducción más rápida), antes (1971, 1978) y después (1998)(1999)(2000)(2001)(2002)(2003)(2004) de un incremento del 108% en el arrastre de fondo industrial en la plataforma sudeste de América del Sur, para evaluar la predicción que B. macloviana excluiría competitivamente a B. albomaculata después del aumento en la mortalidad por pesca. En 1971 y 1978, no hubo relación entre las abundancias de ambas especies, indicando que, a escalas grandes,...