The objective of the scientific and practical research is to assess the economic effect of choosing a scenario for the innovative development of the pilot production of an aerospace enterprise based on modernization and creation of a public-private partnership. The study reveals the innovative potential of physically and morally obsolete production of complex metalworking, the expansion of industrial integration within the enterprise and in the foreign market. Economic modeling of increasing efficiency was carried out by modernizing the enterprise’s production following two innovative scenarios, affecting production technologies, business processes, investments, and the organizational structure to different degrees. A methodological approach to achieving this goal provides a scenario-based assessment of the direct economic effect of the pilot production of an enterprise when introducing innovations different in their focuses, duration, and cost. An innovative model has been developed to present production development scenarios with a focus on internal or external factors, on flexibility or on stable development. Assessment of the current level of technological development and economic efficiency of pilot production made it possible to determine the possibilities of managerial and technological innovative development of a nationally significant enterprise; to determine the direct economic effect of modernization and production integration of participants in the innovation process. The degree of the economic effect directly depends on the chosen innovative scenario and the scale of its implementation in the enterprise.