flyer plates were used to impact-initiate reactive
materials consisting of Al nanoparticles (50 nm) and Teflon microparticles
(3 μm). The initiation process was probed with time- and wavelength-resolved
emission spectroscopy. Teflon particle and Teflon foil samples without
Al fuel were also studied. During ∼15 ns duration shocks produced
by 50 μm thick flyers, Teflon was heated to a greater extent
than Al. Al/Teflon underwent explosive chemical reactions lasting
∼500 ns at an impact velocity threshold of 1.0 ± 0.1 km/s.
The Teflon samples emitted a continuum spectrum attributed to triboluminescence.
C2 emission (Swan bands) from the powder Teflon could be
detected at impact velocities of 0.7 km/s, after a few microseconds,
presumably from gases trapped between the decomposing sample and the
observation window, indicating that Teflon can be at least partially
decomposed to carbon and fluorine. During the 15 ns shock, the Al/Teflon
had almost the same emission temporal and spectral profile and absolute
emission intensity as Teflon alone. At the end of the shock, the Al/Teflon
exploded twice in succession, creating intense emission bursts much
stronger than those from Teflon alone. Each of the two explosions
had an abrupt onset of ∼10 ns, and each lasted 100–200
ns. The first explosion was associated with the arrival of the compressive
release wave and the second, whose emission burst was ∼1/3
as intense as the first, with the arrival of shear release waves from
the flyer plate edges. For Al/Teflon to react, the Al fuel nanospheres
must be released from their passivating oxide shells. The abrupt onset
of the two explosions led us to propose a mechanism where tensile
stresses resulting from compressive and shear waves cause the Al shells
to crack open, allowing hot Teflon to react with Al. A limited number
of studies using 25 μm thick flyers, which produced 8 ns shocks,
show that the pressure threshold for initiation was about twice as
large as with 15 ns shocks.