“…There has been considerable interest in the literature in effective results of this kind, for various group actions. In particular it was shown in [9], for n = 2, that given an irrational vector x in R 2 and any target vector y ∈ R 2 there exist a constant C = C(x, y) and infinitely many γ in SL(2, Z) such that ||γx − y|| ≤ C||γ|| − 1 3 ; there are also stronger results proved in [9] under some restrictions on y, which we shall not go into here; see also [4], [5], [7], [8], [11], and [12], for analogous results for various actions; it may be mentioned that while these works address this question of exponents in many contexts, they however do not cover the setup that is dealt within this paper. Here we describe some results along this theme for the action of Γ as above; for the case n = 2 the result is stronger in import than the result recalled above for SL(2, Z), in the sense that for almost all initial points x ∈ R 2 the corresponding statement holds for all ρ less than 1, in place of ρ = 1 3 for SL(2, Z); see also Remark 4.3.…”