Larocca MC, Soria LR, Espelt MV, Lehmann GL, Marinelli RA. Knockdown of hepatocyte aquaporin-8 by RNA interference induces defective bile canalicular water transport. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 296: G93-G100, 2009. First published October 23, 2008 doi:10.1152/ajpgi.90410.2008 water channels, which are expressed in rat hepatocyte bile canalicular membranes, are involved in water transport during bile formation. Nevertheless, there is no conclusive evidence that AQP8 mediates water secretion into the bile canaliculus. In this study, we directly evaluated whether AQP8 gene silencing by RNA interference inhibits canalicular water secretion in the human hepatocyte-derived cell line, HepG2. By RT-PCR and immunoblotting we found that HepG2 cells express AQP8 and by confocal immunofluorescence microscopy that it is localized intracellularly and on the canalicular membrane, as described in rat hepatocytes. We also verified the expression of AQP8 in normal human liver. Forty-eight hours after transfection of HepG2 cells with RNA duplexes targeting two different regions of human AQP8 molecule, the levels of AQP8 protein specifically decreased by 60 -70%. We found that AQP8 knockdown cells showed a significant decline in the canalicular volume of ϳ70% (P Ͻ 0.01), suggesting an impairment in the basal (nonstimulated) canalicular water movement. We also found that the decreased AQP8 expression inhibited the canalicular water transport in response either to an inward osmotic gradient (Ϫ65%, P Ͻ 0.05) or to the bile secretory agonist dibutyryl cAMP (Ϫ80%, P Ͻ 0.05). Our data suggest that AQP8 plays a major role in water transport across canalicular membrane of HepG2 cells and support the notion that defective expression of AQP8 causes bile secretory dysfunction in human hepatocytes.HepG2; human liver; bile secretion; dibutyryl cAMP BILE IS COMPOSED OF 98% WATER, which is mainly secreted by hepatocytes at bile canaliculi. Water transport at this level is driven by transient osmotic gradients generated across the hepatocyte membrane by active solute transport (1). Aquaporins (AQPs) are a family of integral membrane proteins that facilitate the osmotically induced water transport through cell membranes (18). At least 13 mammalian aquaporins have been identified in diverse human and animal cells. Rat hepatocytes express four AQPs, i.e., AQP8 (9, 13, 16), AQP9 (10, 16), AQP11 (14), and AQP0 (16). AQP8 is localized, as a glycosylated 34-kDa protein, in intracellular vesicles and at the canalicular plasma membrane (9, 13, 16). There is experimental evidence suggesting that AQP8 facilitates the canalicular water transport during hepatocyte bile formation (16) and that the defective expression of hepatocyte AQP8 may contribute to bile secretory dysfunction in cholestasis (4,5,20). Nevertheless, conclusive evidence for AQP8 involvement in bile canalicular water transport should come from studies performed in hepatocytes lacking AQP8 expression. Recently, it has been described that hepatocytes from AQP8-null mice show simila...