Plate 2 .1. (a) ER A-Interim lower stratospheric temperature; (b) ERA-Interim lower tropospheric temperature; (c) NOAA/NCEI surface temperature (contoured) and lake temperatures (circles); (d) GHCNDEX warm day threshold exceedance (TX90p); (e) GHCNDEX cool day threshold exceedance (TX10p); (f) ESA CCI soil moisture; (g) GRACE 2015 difference from 2014 water storage; (h) GPCP precipitation; (i) ELSE system runoff; (j) ELSE system river discharge; (k) HadISDH (land) and NOCSv2.0 (ocean) surface specific humidity; (l) ERA-Interim surface relative humidity; (m) PATMOS-x cloudiness; (n) HIRS upper tropospheric humidity; (o) Microwave radiometer retrievals (ocean), COSMIC GPS-RO data (land), and GNSS (circles, land) total column water vapor; (p) sc-PDSI drought annual average 2015 anomaly; (q) GOME-2 (using GOME, SCIAMACHY, and GOME-2 for the climatology) stratospheric (total column) ozone; (r) ERA-Interim 850-hPa wind speed; (s) ERA-Interim (worldwide grids) and HadISD (points) surface wind speed; (t) HadSLP2r sea level pressure; (u) Tropospheric ozone; (v) CAMS total aerosol optical depth; (w) CAMS aerosol optical depth from dust; (x) CAMS aerosol optical depth from biomass burning; (y) SeaWiFS/MERIS/MODIS fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (FAPAR); (z) Surface visible-light albedo from MODIS White Sky broadband; (aa) Surface near-infrared albedo from MODIS White Sky broadband; (ab) GFASv1.3 carbonaceous emissions from biomass burning; (ac) CAMS total column CO anomalies. AUGUST 2016 STATE OF THE CLIMATE IN 2015 | S11 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/13/21 01:56 AM UTC table 2.1. Temperature anomalies (°C) and uncertainties (where available) for 2015 (base period: 1981-2010). The uncertainties indicate the scope of the range around the central value. For ERA-Interim, the values shown are the analyzed 2-m temperature anomalies (uncorrected). Note that the land values computed for HadCRUT4 used the CRUTEM. dataset (Jones et al. 2012), the ocean values were computed using the HadSST. dataset (Kennedy et al. 2011a, 2011b), and the global land and ocean values used the HadCRUT4.4.0.0 dataset. Uncertainty ranges are represented in terms of a 95% confidence interval, with the exception of JMA which has a 90% confidence interval.