Recent discoveries of noncanonical RNA caps, such as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD + ) and 3′-dephospho-coenzyme A (dpCoA), have expanded our knowledge of RNA caps. Although dpCoA has been known to cap RNAs in various species, the identities of its capped RNAs (dpCoA-RNAs) remained unknown. To fill this gap, we developed a method called dpCoA tagSeq, which utilized a thiol-reactive maleimide group to label dpCoA cap with a tag RNA serving as the 5′ barcode. The barcoded RNAs were isolated using a complementary DNA strand of the tag RNA prior to direct sequencing by nanopore technology. Our validation experiments with model RNAs showed that dpCoA-RNA was efficiently tagged and captured using this protocol. To confirm that the tagged RNAs are capped by dpCoA and no other thiolcontaining molecules, we used a pyrophosphatase NudC to degrade the dpCoA cap to adenosine monophosphate (AMP) moiety before performing the tagSeq protocol. We identified 44 genes that transcribe dpCoA-RNAs in mouse liver, demonstrating the method's effectiveness in identifying and characterizing the capped RNAs. This strategy provides a viable approach to identifying dpCoA-RNAs that allows for further functional investigations of the cap.