In September through November 2003, the Center for Archaeological Studies (CAS), Texas State University-San Marcos conducted a Phase I archaeological survey on 307 acres at Camp Swift, Bastrop County, Texas. Texas Historical Commission standards for Phase I pedestrian surveys and site shovel tests were exceeded. CAS personnel excavated 668 shovel tests and nine backhoe trenches. Artifacts recovered from shovel tests and the surface are curated at the Texas Archeological Research Laboratory. A total of 11 new archaeological sites with nine prehistoric, and four historic components were discovered. In addition, nine isolated artifacts were recorded. Five of the nine prehistoric components were not eligible to be listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and no further work recommended. The remaining four prehistoric sites require additional investigations to determine their eligibility. Three of the four historic components were assessed as not eligible for listing on the National Register for Historic Places (NRHP), and the fourth historic component warrants additional investigations. Prehistoric Sites Prehistoric sites were judged as eligible for listing on the NRHP based on the following criteria: High potential: Sites with clear high integrity. Sites that shovel test results indicate a pattern of stratified deposits with temporally distinct assemblages, have an excellent potential for buried, intact deposits and/or datable features, or otherwise have the potential to address research issues. Moderate potential: Sites with high to moderate integrity. Sites that shovel test results have not clearly demonstrated high integrity, but with further testing potentially could yield buried, intact deposits with distinct artifact assemblages and/or datable features, and otherwise have the potential to address research issues. Minimal potential: Little or no integrity sites. Sites upon which shovel test results have produced no evidence of intact deposits, sites with clearly mixed assemblages, and/or have otherwise been disturbed so that there is little or no potential for providing credible information. As the current project involved excavation of shovel tests and surface observations, recommendations required to be made by CAS according to the survey contract were as follows: 1) eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places, 2) not eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places, or 3) requires further investigation beyond the scope of this survey project. Four prehistoric site components and/or distinct prehistoric sites were assessed as having little or no integrity, likewise having minimal research potential, and thus recommended as not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. These sites are 41BP662, 41BP664, 41BP669 and 41BP670. v Five prehistoric site components were assessed as demonstrating moderate integrity, and potentially capable of having high research potential; thus we believe further investigation beyond the scope of this inventory survey are re...