The maximal size of 6-and 7-arcs in projective Hjelmslev planes over chain rings of order 9Abstract We complete the determination of the maximum sizes of (k, n)-arcs, n 12, in the projective Hjelmslev planes over the two (proper) chain rings Z 9 = Z/9Z and S 3 = F 3 [X]/(X 2 ) of order 9 by resolving the hitherto open cases n = 6 and n = 7. Parts of our proofs rely on decidedly geometric properties of the planes such as Desargues' theorem and the existence of certain subplanes.
KeywordsHjelmslev geometry, projective Hjelmslev plane, arc, finite chain ring, Galois ring, subplane, affine subplane MSC(2010) 05B25, 51C05, 51E15, 51E21, 51E26, 16P10, 94B05, 94B27 Citation: Honold T, Kiermaier M. The maximal size of 6-and 7-arcs in projective Hjelmslev planes over chain rings of order 9.Initial work on this problem has been done in [12,28]. A complete solution for the two chain rings Z 4 , S 2 = F 2 [X]/(X 2 ) of order 4 and projective arcs (i.e., arcs without multiple points) appears already in [28]. The recent extension to the non-projective case can be found in [27, Theorem 5].The next case of the two chain rings Z 9 and S 3 = F 3 [X]/(X 2 ) of order 9 is considerably more difficult. Here, except for n = 2 and 9 n 12, which are comparatively easy and done in [28], progress has largely relied on computer searches providing constructions of n-arcs and in turn reasonable lower bounds for m n (R). The case n = 3 was finished in [3], the case n = 4 was finished in [21] and [8] by computer constructions matching the upper bound m 4 (R) 30 from [12, Theorem 5.3], and the cases n ∈ {5, 8} were finished in [9] by providing non-existence proofs matching the known constructive lower bounds for m 5 (R) resp. m 8 (R).The purpose of this paper is the determination of the maximum size of 6-and 7-arcs in PHG(2, R), where R is either Z 9 or S 3 . This completes the determination of the numbers m n (R) in the range 2 n 12 (the "projective case") for the chain rings of order 9; cf. Table 1. 1)As in [9] the results are derived by providing non-existence proofs matching the known constructive lower bounds. In addition, we provide computer-free constructions of (60, 7)-arcs in both PHG(2, Z 9 ) and PHG(2, S 3 ), of a (49, 6)-arc in PHG(2, Z 9 ) and a (50, 6)-arc in PHG(2, S 3 ).The proofs rely heavily on certain geometric properties of the planes PHG(2, Z 9 ) and PHG(2, S 3 ), which are collected in Section 3. This section also contains a general classification of affine subplanes of PHG(2, R) isomorphic to ordinary affine planes, which may be of independent interest.The main results are stated and proved in Section 4 (for 7-arcs) and Section 5 (for 6-arcs). In Section 2, we state the necessary facts about the planes PHG(2, R) and also some combinatorial properties of the projective plane of order 3, which will be used in subsequent sections.