Studies of Arctic mixed-phase boundary-layer clouds generally ignore the role of riming or assume that it plays a relatively minor role in the cloud evolution (Avramov et al., 2011;Oue et al., 2016;Yang et al., 2013), except in cases where liquid water path (LWP) values exceed 100 g m −2 (Fridlind et al., 2007;McFarquhar et al., 2007). While turbulence-induced riming enhancement is possible in convective clouds with turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rates on the order of 10 −2 to 10 −1 W kg −1 (Pinsky et al., 1998), dissipation rates in Arctic stratiform clouds are only of order 10 −3 W kg −1 (Shupe et al., 2008). Indeed, there are only a few observations of Arctic graupel, noting its presence in deep, post-frontal systems with cloud tops reaching 8 km (Lawson & Zuidema, 2009;Oue et al., 2015) or in relatively thick stratiform cloud 700 m deep (Lance et al., 2011).Approximately 80% of liquid-bearing boundary-layer Arctic clouds are very thin with LWP < 100 g m −2 (Shupe & Intrieri, 2004). They are often sustained by intense radiative cooling from a layer of liquid droplets concentrated near cloud top, which generates buoyant production of turbulent updrafts and hence continued cooling and condensation (Morrison et al., 2012;Morrison & Pinto, 2005;Shupe et al., 2006), allowing these clouds to persist for several days even as ice crystals grow and precipitate at the expense of liquid mass through the Wegener-Bergeron-Findeisen process. As the larger scale thermodynamic structure of the Arctic troposphere evolves over synoptic timescales, the clouds eventually dissipate through some combination of entrainment of dry air from aloft, large-scale subsidence, and precipitation (Morrison et al., 2012).Through supercooled liquid droplet accretion, or riming, a precipitating ice crystal's shape and density may undergo dramatic transformations through collisions and subsequent freezing with hundreds of thousands to millions of supercooled liquid water droplets. Heavily rimed graupel have densities that exhibit a wide range of 50-890 kg m −3 (Pruppacher & Klett, 2010b), where wind tunnel studies show density depending on the surface temperature of the ice substrate, and the radius and impact velocity of the cloud droplets (Heymsfield & Pflaum, 1985). Graupel are generally thought to fall at speeds considerably higher than those of aggregates or pristine crystals (Locatelli & Hobbs, 1974), so riming can lead to accelerated loss of cloud water, potentially decreasing cloud lifetimes and thus altering the surface radiative balance (Lin et al., 2011). Riming may also help