Background: Congenital hypothyroidism (CHT) has a reported incidence of approximately 1 in 2,000–4,000 births. There is no consensus on the optimal cut-off whole-blood thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) concentration that should be used for newborn screening (NBS). The NBS programme in the Republic of Ireland has used a cut-off of 8 mU/L since 1979. The aim of this study was to determine if raising the cut-off to 10 mU/L would have resulted in undetected cases of permanent or decompensated CHT. Methods: All cases of CHT with a screening whole-blood TSH concentration between 8.0 and 9.9 mU/L were identified from the Republic of Ireland’s NBS programme. Baseline demographics and imaging results were recorded. All cases over 3 years of age were evaluated to determine if CHT was permanent or transient. Results: Of 2,361,174 infants screened in the Republic of Ireland between July 1979 and December 2016, a total of 1,063 babies were diagnosed with CHT and treated with levothyroxine. This included 33 (3.5%) infants with a whole-blood TSH concentration between 8 and 9.9 mU/L. Thirteen of these 33 infants had decompensated hypothyroidism with low plasma free thyroxine level at diagnosis and 9 (41%) of the 21 evaluable cases have confirmed permanent CHT. Conclusion: Although lowering screening TSH cut-offs can increase the cost of NBS, as well as anxiety for families, many infants with borderline increases in whole-blood TSH concentrations on NBS have persistent CHT and low thyroxine concentrations in infancy. We recommend that this is considered when developing and reviewing NBS protocols for identifying infants with CHT.