The evidences that climate change (CC) is a real situation have been established by different scholars and international organizations. However, much of the vast and burgeoning literature on CC has indicated spatial differences on the impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation among different communities. On that basis, various studies have grouped Eastern Africa as the most affected region by CC and has the weakest capacity to adapt or/and mitigate the dreadful conditions posed by CC. This chapter attempts to indicate the socioeconomic vulnerability in eastern Africa that has been coupled by climate impacts. In doing so, a wide range of studies reflecting the region has been reviewed. The results exhibit that there has been a cause-effect relationship between anthropogenic activities and climate impacts. Although both natural and anthropogenic factors cause climate change, the latter is more pronounced in local conditions. The level of deforestation and degradation in most eastern Africa is exceedingly high and this has subsequently increased the emission of the top green greenhouse gases (CO 2 , CH 4 , and N 2 O) into the atmosphere. Thus, the resolutions of various conference of parties on CC need to adhere by both developed and developing countries for the betterment of the planet.A Novel Assessment of the Impacts, Vulnerability, and Adaptation of Climate Change in Eastern… DOI: chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) through proper mitigation strategies for the sustainability of the planet [3]. Similarly, at the local level, the improved understanding among the farmers on the influence of climate on agricultural production is desirable for coping with actual and expected variations in both temperature and precipitation [12]. This will again curb an increasing number of undernourished people in the region.Therefore, climate resilience at the local level is potentially optimized by proper adaptation measures coupled by appropriate and affordable mitigation measures. This underpins the effects posed by the temporal changing weather and climate in the region. Thus, proper adaptation measures that mainly focus on the agro-ecosystems are particularly useful to meet the demands of the increasing population in the region rather than using the "slash and burn" practices [13]. Eventually, the majority of the population lack livelihood option due to entitlement failure [14].