A system of harmonically trapped N=16 spin-0 bosons confined in quasi-2D symmetricalx − y plane interacting via a finite range repulsive Gaussian potential is studied under an externally impressed rotation to an over all angular velocity Ω about the z−axis. The exact diagonalization (ED) of n × n many-body Hamiltonian matrix in a given subspace of quantized total angular momentum 0 ≤ L z ≤ 4N is performed using Davidson algorithm.For N = 16and L z = 32, the dimensionality of the Hilbert space turns out to be n = 384559.With increase in the interaction range in the Gaussian potential, the active Fock space size gets reduced and hence computation becomes more feasible compared to the zero-range δfunction potential. Following this idea, we considered the interaction-range parameter σ = 0.30, 0.50 and 0.75 to study the finite-range effects on the many-body ground state. The trap velocity Ω being the Langrange multiplier associated with the angular momentum L z for the rotating systems, the L z −Ω phase diagram (or stability line) is drawn which determines the critical angular velocities, Ω c i , i =, 0, 1, 2.., at which, for a given angular momentum L z , the system goes through a quantum phase transition. Further with increase in interaction range σ, the quantum mechanical coherence extends over more and more particles in the system resulting in an enhanced stability of the i th vortical state with angular momentum L z (Ω c i ) leading to a delayed onset of the the next vortical state L z Ω c i+1 at a higher value of the next critical angular velocity Ω c i+1 . There is an increase in the critical angular velocity (Ω c i , i = 1, 2, 3 • • •) and in the largest condensate fraction λ 1 , calculated using single particle reduced density matrix(SPRDM) eigen-values with increase in the interaction range σ. We calculated the von-Neumann quantum entropy (S 1 ), degree of condensation (C d ) and the conditional probability density (CPDs). There is no significant change in von-Neumann entropy S 1 and the degree of condensation C d in slow-rotating gas in the region 0 ≤ L z ≤ (L z = N ). However, for higher angular momentum, L z ≥ 2N , with increase in interaction range σ, small variations in S 1 and C d are observed. We plot the isosurface CPDs