The application of MEMS capacitive accelerometers is limited by its thermal dependence, and each accelerometer must be individually calibrated to improve its performance. In this work, a light calibration method based on theoretical studies is proposed to obtain two characteristic parameters of the sensor’s operation: the temperature drift of bias and the temperature drift of scale factor. This method requires less data to obtain the characteristic parameters, allowing a faster calibration. Furthermore, using an equation with fewer parameters reduces the computational cost of compensation. After studying six accelerometers, model LIS3DSH, their characteristic parameters are obtained in a temperature range between 15 °C and 55 °C. It is observed that the Temperature Drift of Bias (TDB) is the parameter with the greatest influence on thermal drift, reaching 1.3 mg/°C. The Temperature Drift of Scale Factor (TDSF) is always negative and ranges between 0 and −400 ppm/°C. With these parameters, the thermal drifts are compensated in tests with 20 °C of thermal variation. An average improvement of 47% was observed. In the axes where the thermal drift was greater than 1 mg/°C, the improvement was greater than 80%. Other sensor behaviors have also been analyzed, such as temporal drift (up to 1 mg/h for three hours) and self-heating (2–3 °C in the first hours with the corresponding drift). Thermal compensation has been found to reduce the effect of the latter in the first hours after power-up of the sensor by 43%.