“…(1986). Subsequent lithological, pa leogeographical and paleontological evidence was accumulated that reinforced the idea of a Lau rentian connection for the Argentine Precordillera (see Astini et aI., 1995;Thomas and Astini, 1996;Benedetto, 1998 and references therein;Keller, 1999), leading to models of Precordillera derivation and Laurentia-Gondwana interaction in the early Pa leozoic. In most of these models the Precordillera carbonate platform is seen as a remnant of the Lau rentian passive margin resulting from the break-up of Rodinia, amalgamated to the proto-Andean margin of Gondwana in early Paleozoic times (Dalla Salda et aI., 1992;Astini et aI., 1995;Thomas and Astini, 1996;Dalziel, 1997;Rapela et aI., 1998).…”