Background & Aim: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the most frequently isolated bacterium among those gram negative rods that
are obligated aerobes. It is one of the important opportunistic human pathogens, causing severe chronic respiratory infection
in patient with underlying conditions such as cystic fibrosis (CF) or bronchiectasis. The emergence of multi-drug resistance
Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain in clinically isolated demands the development of better or new drugs against this pathogen.
The study is to assign a precise function to hypothetical protein (HPs), whose functions are unknown.
Materials and Methods: With the help of various bioinformatics tools, the extensive functional analysis of these hypothetical
proteins was performed. This study combines a number of bioinformatics tools including Blastp, Pfam, InterProScan, SMART,
PSLPred, CELLO, Signal Peptide, Expasy’s ProtParam tool, VirulenPred, VicmPred to gain information about the conserved
regions, families, pathways, interactions, localizations and virulence related to particular protein.
Result: The hypothetical proteins present in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa PA7 genome was extensively analyzed and annotated, out
of 1350 hypothetical proteins, 25 proteins are catalytic domains, 31 proteins are enzymes, 46 proteins are integral membrane
proteins, 72 proteins are transporters, 104 proteins are binding proteins, 404 proteins sequences contain a domain of unknown
function (DUF), and 540 proteins cannot be functionally determined by any of the tools.
Conclusion: Better understanding of the mechanism of pathogenesis and in finding novel therapeutic targets for Pseudomonas