This article explores resonant listening as an integral aspect of preaching, transcending physical church spaces. It underscores the active engagement of listeners in participatory listening to grasp the essence of a sermon. Resonant listening, characterised by an attentive disposition intertwined with individuals’ recollections of God’s redemptive acts and everyday experiences, is crucial for sense-making in life. The research question guiding this exploration is: “How can an elucidation of resonant listening connected to listeners’ remembrances and their endeavour to make sense of life enable them to find meaning?” Drawing on Osmer’s research methodology, the article begins with the descriptive empirical phase, investigating the dynamics of resonant listening among listeners. It then delves into insights from communication sciences and social psychology, elucidating the significance of resonant listening and memory in decision-making processes. Moreover, it offers normative perspectives through an examination of John 4, analysing cognitive triggers, memories, and the outcomes of resonant listening in Jesus’s interaction with the Samaritan woman. Finally, the article concludes by intertwining hermeneutical reflections with homiletical perspectives, highlighting the indispensable role of resonant listening in effective preaching.