Arrayás and Trueba [1] recently obtained an exact solution of Maxwell's equations in empty space with non trivial topology of the force lines, in which there is an exchange of helicity between its electric and magnetic fields. The two helicities were different at time zero, but in the limit of infinite time they are equal, their sum being conserved. Although not widely known, there are topological solutions of Maxwell equations with the surprising property that any pair of electric lines and any pair of magnetic lines are linked except for a zero measure set. These solutions, baptized "electromagnetic knots", discovered and developed in references [2-4] building on the Hopf fibration [5], allowed the basis for a topological model of electromagnetism (TME) to be proposed, in which the force lines play a prominent role. In reference [6] a review is presented of the work done on that model (see also [7]). The paper by Arrayás and Trueba is an important step in its development.The principal aim of this line of research is to complete the TME that, in its present form, is locally equivalent to Maxwell's theory, is based on the topology of the electric and magnetic lines and has topological constants of motion as the electric charge or the total helicity. The force lines are the level curves of two complex scalar fields φ(r, t ), θ(r, t ) with only one value at infinity, that can be interpreted as maps between two spheres S 3 → S 2 ,