An analysis of problems occurring during the application of civil liability in legal relationships using information and communication technologies is being conducted in this scientific research. Apart from the absence of legal norms, there are conflict-of-laws rules, contradictions in which are to be resolved. The research of the turnover using digital technologies takes a big part in the legal doctrine. It must be noted that several fundamental works have appeared that make it possible to create a harmonious and non-contradictory system of legal regulation. However, there are still some unresolved questions left; for instance, ones concerning the mechanism of legal regulation of civil liability of subjects that have entered relations using digital technologies. The analysis of the civil law doctrine, the propositions of current Russian and international legislations, and legal practice have revealed a complex of problems connected to the civil liability of subjects entering legal relations using information and communication technologies. It became possible to systemize them depending on the subject and their role in the initiation or termination of the relation. A range of methods (general, general scientific and legal) has made it possible to make conclusions about the reasons why legal regulation is imperfect and why conflicts exist (to prevent them from happening in the future), formulate a legal regime of liability of subjects of the main or supporting group, suggest alterations to the current Russian legislation, aimed at bringing the owner of the information system to account.