Abstrack -To make the right decisions and policies, university management often requires data. The problem that often arises is scattered data in various existing applications. To get the right point of view, it requires data analysts who master the situation broadly, including the business processes that occur in the organization and the various applications that run in it. People who can handle the problem are very limited or even non-existent, even though the need for data from management is increasingly. It can overcome these problems by building a data analytics system that works in a data warehouse. So that this paper proposes to study the design and implementation of academic and student data analytics applications. Utilization of existing data warehouses can be used as data visualization, data reporting, trend analytics, association analytics, group analytics, decision support systems, forecasting systems, and expert systems. The existing approach uses the Agile Scrum framework to get around time constraints and limited people. The test results show that this application can be built with this framework. A sizable application can be built within 1 month with 1 scrum master, 4 programmers and 2 tester-documentator.