Abstract. We provide the first experimental evidence of the sensitivity of phenomena induced 26 by extraordinary (X-mode) polarized HF high power radio waves to pump frequency stepping 27 across the fifth electron gyro-harmonic (5fce) from below to above. The results were obtained at 28 the EISCAT (European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association) HF heater facility near Tromsø 29 under effective radiated powers of 456 -715 MW, when the HF pump wave was transmitted into 30 the magnetic zenith. We have analyzed the behavior and intensities of various spectral lines in 31 the narrowband stimulated electromagnetic emission (SEE) spectra observed far from the heater, 32 HF-enhanced plasma and ion lines (HFPL and HFIL) from EISCAT UHF incoherent scatter 33 radar spectra, and artificial field-aligned irregularities from CUTLASS (Co-operative UK Twin 34 Located Auroral Sounding System) observations, depending on the frequency offset of the pump 35 field relative to the 5fce. At pump frequencies below 5fce the narrowband SEE spectra exhibited 36 very intense so-called stimulated ion Bernstein scatter (SIBS), accompanied by other spectral 37 components, associated with stimulated Brillouin scatter (SBS), which are greatly suppressed 38 and disappeared in the vicinity of 5fce and did not reappear at fH > 5fce. As the pump frequency 39 reached 5fce, the abrupt enhancements of the HFPL and HFIL power, the appearance of cascade 40 lines in the plasma line spectra, and the onset of increasing CUTLASS backscatter power 41 occurred. That is opposite to the ordinary mode (O-mode) effects in the vicinity of 5fce. The X-42 mode pumping at frequencies below and in the vicinity of the fifth electron gyro-harmonic 43 clearly demonstrated an ascending altitude of generation of induced plasma and ion lines from 44 the initial interaction height, whereas for O-mode heating the region of interaction descended. 45The observations are consistent with the coexistence of the electron acceleration along and 46 across the geomagnetic field at fH < 5fce, while only very strong electron acceleration along the 47 magnetic field was observed at fH ≥ 5fce. 48 49