This dissertation aimed at understanding how the gender relationships take place in the different subjects of the scholar physical education. Using an ethnography-like research methodology, it was observed physical education classes from three (3) grades in two (2) schools from the Campinas Metropolitan Region, in which a variety of the content along each scholar bimester were present. It was also performed semi-structured interviews with the teachers and students from the observed grades. The developed analysis indicate that, although within the physical education speech there are practices that are, a priori, gendered (gymnastics is for girls and soccer is for boys), in the analyzed context such determinations did not interfere in the boys and girls learning in class. Nevertheless, a notion of boys being more skilled and capable of performing the activities, no matter the practice, were shared among the individuals, as if the fact of being boys alone indicate better body skills. Therefore, according to the field, boys and girls dealt differently when learning new movements and practices, and the boys used to risk more and seemed more self confident, while the girls denoted better organization skills, being more prominent during some moments at gymnastics classes. During the practices involving sports and competition, the certainty of the boys' success and the belief in their skills were clear. This work shows how the gender relationships influences the ways of participating and learning in physical education classes. It also illustrates how the content diversification, at some moments, could be a destabilizing factor in the gender relationships at school.