Earable computing gains growing attention within research and becomes ubiquitous in society. However, there is an emerging need for prototyping devices as critical drivers of innovation. In our work, we reviewed the features of existing earable platforms. Based on 24 publications, we characterized the design space of earable prototyping. We used the open eSense platform (6-axis IMU, auditory I/O) to evaluate the problem-based learning usability of non-experts. We collected data from 79 undergraduate students who developed 39 projects. Our questionnaire-based results suggest that the platform creates interest in the subject matter and supports self-directed learning. The projects align with the research space, indicating ease of use, but lack contributions for more challenging topics. Additionally, many projects included games not present in current research. The average SUS score of the platform was 67.0. The majority of problems are technical issues (e.g., connecting, playing music).
CCS CONCEPTS• Human-centered computing → Empirical studies in ubiquitous and mobile computing.