Objective Karachi and Hyderabad both are metropolitan cities of Pakistan but Karachi is more developed and mobilized city than Hyderabad. This difference may possibly bring change in the gender dependency ratio. Introduction Gender is the socially and culturally shaped characteristics for males and females (sexes) of any society; both genders have to perform the roles which are expected from them. Gender dependency is the result of the cultural practices in any society while the culture in developing societies is masculine by its nature and men are the one who lead, secure and are responsible for bread earning for their families. Methodology To confirm this fact, data from 500 respondents was collected from Karachi and Hyderabad, age between 25 to 40 years, Questions about respondent's experience, hesitation, insecurity, independency in decision making were also the part of detail questionnaire. Results this study shows that the ratio of educated population was high in Hyderabad. In both cities females were more dependent than males, Females of Karachi were more confident and independent in their lives and the level of insecurity was high in females of Hyderabad. Conclusion Findings proposed the importance of education, development and mobility on the road to independent life.