Neste trabalho, o corante azul de metileno foi imobilizado na superfície do acetato de celulose modificado com dióxido de titânio produzindo um material híbrido sólido denominado de CA-TiO 2 MB. O experimento produziu uma quantidade de 1,8 mmol g -1 de TiO 2 incorporado no acetato de celulose e uma quantidade de 0,170 0,005 mmol g -1 de azul de metileno adsorvido na superfície do CA-TiO 2 . Um eletrodo de pasta de carbono desse material foi usado para estudar a oxidação eletrocatalítica do ácido ascórbico pelas técnicas de voltametria cíclica e cronoamperometria. O pH da solução não afetou o potencial de pico de anódico nem a corrente de pico anódico ao variar de 3,0 a 7,0. A oxidação do analito ocorreu em 75 mV versus ECS em solução de KCl 1,0 mol L -1 e pH 7,0. A intensidade da corrente de pico anódico variou com a concentração de ácido ascórbico na faixa de 5,0 10 -4 mol L -1 to 4,5 10 -3 mol L . A resposta do eletrodo foi muito rápida, com um tempo decorrido de 1,0 s, mostrando potencial para ser utilizado como um sensor eletroquímico para a determinação de ácido ascórbico em produtos comerciais.In this work, methylene blue dye was immobilized on the surface of cellulose acetate modified with titanium dioxide, producing a solid hybrid material designated as CA-TiO 2 MB. The experiment yielded an amount of 1.8 mmol g -1 of TiO 2 incorporated in the cellulose acetate and an amount of 0.170 0.005 mmol g -1 of methylene blue adsorbed onto CA-TiO 2 surface. A carbon paste electrode of this material was used to study the electrocatalytic oxidation of ascorbic acid by cyclic voltammetric and chronoamperometric techniques. The pH of the solution had no effect on the anodic peak potential and anodic peak current when ranging from 3.0 to 7.0. The oxidation of the analyte occurred at 75 mV versus SCE in 1.0 mol L -1 KCl solution and pH 7.0. The intensity of the anodic peak current varied with the concentration of ascorbic acid from 5.0 10 -4 mol L -1 to 4.5 10 -3 mol L -1 and a linear correlation was observed, with a detection limit of 15 µmol L -1 , quantification limit of 50 µmol L -1 and a sensitivity of 7.1 µA L mol -1. The electrode response was very fast, with an elapsed time of about 1.0 s, showing the potentiality to be utilized as an electrochemical sensor for determination of ascorbic acid in commercial samples.Keywords: methylene blue, modified cellulose acetate, titanium dioxide, carbon paste electrode, ascorbic acid
IntroductionThe development of sensors that allow the measurements of some analyte, which presents analytical or environmental interest, has continued to be of major concern during the past two decades. They use as electrochemical mediator species makes possible the attempt to exert more control over the chemical nature of an electrode and to attain the selectivity of electrochemical measurements. This development has helped the measurement of important analytes in medicine, pharmacy, manufactured food and other areas. The most common material that is usually employed as an inert support for th...