Eukaryotic RNA polymerases are large complexes, 12 subunits of which are structurally or functionally homologous across the three polymerase classes. Each class has a set of specific subunits, likely targets of their cognate transcription factors. We have identified and characterized a human RNA polymerase I (Pol I)-specific subunit, previously identified as ASE-1 (antisense of ERCC1) and as CD3-associated signal transducer (CAST), and here termed CAST or human Pol I-associated factor of 49 kDa (hPAF49), after mouse orthologue PAF49. We provide evidence for growth-regulated Tyr phosphorylation of CAST/hPAF49, specifically in initiation-competent Pol I complexes in HeLa cells, at a conserved residue also known to be important for signaling during T-cell activation. CAST/hPAF49 can interact with activator upstream binding factor (UBF) and, weakly, with selectivity factor 1 (SL1) at the rDNA (ribosomal DNA repeat sequence encoding the 18S, 5.8S, and 28S rRNA genes) promoter. CAST/hPAF49-specific antibodies and excess CAST/hPAF49 protein, which have no effect on basal Pol I transcription, inhibit UBF-activated transcription following functional SL1-Pol I-rDNA complex assembly and disrupt the interaction of UBF with CAST/hPAF49, suggesting that interaction of this Pol I-specific subunit with UBF is crucial for activation. Drawing on parallels between mammalian and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pol I transcription machineries, we advance one model for CAST/ hPAF49 function in which the network of interactions of Pol I-specific subunits with UBF facilitates conformational changes of the polymerase, leading to stabilization of the Pol I-template complex and, thereby, activation of transcription.In eukaryotes, the three nuclear DNA-dependent RNA polymerases share a similar structural layout and catalytic activity but fulfill different specialist functions in cells: RNA polymerase I (Pol I) synthesizes rRNA precursors, Pol II synthesizes the pre-messenger RNAs, and Pol III synthesizes tRNAs and 5S rRNA, among other small RNAs. The ␣ 2 Ј subunit composition of a prokaryotic core RNA polymerase is conserved for all three nuclear RNA polymerases from yeast to humans (reviewed in reference 8). The largest and second largest subunits of eukaryotic RNA polymerases share substantial homology with prokaryotic Ј and  subunits, respectively, and possess most of the enzymatic functions. Heterodimers AC40-AC19 of Pol I and Pol III and RPB3-RPB11 of Pol II are functional homologues of the prokaryotic ␣ 2 dimer, and the RPB6 (ABC23) subunit, shared between all three polymerases, is a structural and functional homologue of the bacterial subunit (Table 1).Eukaryotic RNA polymerases are more complex than their bacterial counterpart and require an additional four subunits to synthesize RNA from a nonspecific DNA template, which are shared between all three polymerases (RPB5, RPB8, RPB10, and RPB12). The unique subunits A12.2, RPB9, and C11 for yeast Pols I, II, and III, respectively, complete the 10