The rate-limiting step for nucleotide incorporation in the presteady state for most nucleic acid polymerases is thought to be a conformational change. As a result, very little information is available on the role of active-site residues in the chemistry of nucleotidyl transfer. For the poliovirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (3D pol ), chemistry is partially (Mg 2؉ ) or completely (Mn 2؉ ) rate limiting. Here we show that nucleotidyl transfer depends on two ionizable groups with pK a values of 7.0 or 8.2 and 10.5, depending upon the divalent cation used in the reaction. A solvent deuterium isotope effect of three to seven was observed on the rate constant for nucleotide incorporation in the pre-steady state; none was observed in the steady state. Proton-inventory experiments were consistent with two protons being transferred during the rate-limiting transition state of the reaction, suggesting that both deprotonation of the 3 -hydroxyl nucleophile and protonation of the pyrophosphate leaving group occur in the transition state for phosphodiester bond formation. Importantly, two proton transfers occur in the transition state for nucleotidyl-transfer reactions catalyzed by RB69 DNA-dependent DNA polymerase, T7 DNA-dependent RNA polymerase and HIV reverse transcriptase. Interpretation of these data in the context of known polymerase structures suggests the existence of a general base for deprotonation of the 3 -OH nucleophile, although use of a water molecule cannot be ruled out conclusively, and a general acid for protonation of the pyrophosphate leaving group in all nucleic acid polymerases. These data imply an associative-like transition-state structure.general-acid-base catalysis ͉ phosphoryl transfer ͉ two-metal-ion mechanism N ucleic acid polymerases are essential for the maintenance and expression of the genomes of all organisms. All classes of polymerases use the same five-step kinetic scheme for nucleotide incorporation (1-6). The kinetic mechanism for the RNAdependent RNA polymerase (RdRp 1 ) from poliovirus (3D pol ) is shown in Scheme 1. One of the advantages of this system is that once 3D pol assembles onto the primer-template substrate, this complex has a half-life of Ͼ2 h (7), greatly simplifying kinetic analysis. In step one, the enzyme-nucleic acid complex (ER n ) binds the nucleoside triphosphate forming a ternary complex (ER n NTP).Step two involves a conformational change (*ER n NTP) that orients the triphosphate for catalysis. In step three, nucleotidyl transfer occurs (*ER nϩ1 PP i ), followed by a second conformational-change step (ER nϩ1 PP i ) and pyrophosphate release (ER nϩ1 ).Although the sequence of events occurring during the nucleotide-addition cycle is identical for all polymerases, the ratelimiting step appears to be different. In most cases, the first conformational-change step (step two) is rate-limiting (2, 8, 9). In one, chemistry (step three) is rate-limiting (10), and in some (e.g., T4 and RB69 DNA polymerases), the rate-limiting step has not been established. For 3D pol , bot...