The essence of transformational processes which happen in the Russian economic system now consists in “diffusion” of innovative business in the system of the economic factors causing changes in the market relations. These transformations, first of all, are shown in acquisition by production and the market of social orientation. Respectively more and more relevant are socially oriented innovative enterprises (SOIE) which are developed and introduce in production the new technologies and products making long-term positive impact on level of quality of life and welfare of the population. When carrying out imitating modeling processes of economic-mathematical modeling can be divided into a number of stages: identification of an object, the specification of model, identification and assessment of specific signs of model, definition and check of interrelations between them, and their configuration, the mathematical description. At the same time all cycle is usually repeated several times, and in each cycle the mathematical model is specified, in particular, if it is about the model important for practical calculations. In this case additional requirements for implementation of algorithmic technology and programming are imposed to it. For achievement of goals in a research the mathematical description on the basis of the device of matrixes is used. In the course of carrying out economic-mathematical modeling the matrix device at creation of mathematical matrixes was used, for the description of type socially oriented business of structure of holistic management.