Wirtinger presentations of deficiency 1 appear in the context of knots, long virtual knots, and ribbon 2-knots. They are encoded by labeled oriented trees and, for that reason, are also called LOT presentations. These presentations are a well known and important testing ground for the validity (or failure) of Whitehead's asphericity conjecture. We define LOTs of Coxeter type and show that for every given n there exists a prime LOT of Coxeter type with group of rank n. We also show that label separated Coxeter LOTs are aspherical.
20F05, 20F06, 20F65; 57K20, 57K45
Dedicated to the memory of Stephen Pride 1 IntroductionWirtinger presentations of deficiency 1 appear in the context of knots, long virtual knots, and ribbon 2-knots; see Harlander and Rosebrock [9]. They are encoded by labeled oriented trees and, for that reason, are also called LOT presentations. Adding a generator to the set of relators in a Wirtinger presentation P gives a balanced presentation of the trivial group. Thus the associated 2-complex K.P / is a subcomplex of an aspherical (in fact contractible) 2-complex. Wirtinger presentations are a well-known and important testing ground for the validity (or failure) of Whitehead's asphericity conjecture, which states that a subcomplex of an aspherical 2-complex is aspherical. For more on the Whitehead conjecture see Bogley [3], Berrick and Hillman [1] and Rosebrock [18].If P is a Wirtinger presentation and the group G.P / defined by P is a 1-relator group, then G.P / admits a 2-generator 1-relator presentation P 0 and the corresponding 2complex K.P 0 / is aspherical. Since K.P 0 / and K.P / have the same Euler characteristic and the same fundamental group, it follows (using Schanuel's lemma and Kaplansky's theorem, which states that finitely generated free ZG-modules are Hopfian) that K.P /